A look at life through the eyes of one who is well loved and well aware of Who loves her best.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
When God says "Wait!"
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding"
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5&6
"But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
We've all had dreams and ideas over which we've prayed and sought God's answers. We love it when He says "Yes" to what we're asking, and even though we don't like being told "No" it's a definitive answer.
But what about the times when He tells us "Wait"?
To say that I am not struggling with this answer to one of my long held dreams wouldn't be true. The reality that something I have been praying about for many years, (and now having seen it twice nearly become a reality) only to be told once again to wait, has left me confused and a bit frustrated. I have earnestly sought to follow God's lead each step of the way, and have offered numerous times to lay it down and walk away if it isn't something He'd have me pursue. Yet each time I have done so, He has opened pathways before me and I followed them....to here.
And now, once again, I am being told to wait.
Even writing these words makes me sigh. I'm deeply disappointed, but desperately want God's will above my own, so I wait.
Waiting is hard, especially when it's something we deeply desire. There's always the possibility that God's answer of "wait" will turn into "no". It requires deep trust that He is always faithful no matter what His answer is to our prayers.
When I was 17 my eight year old nephew was dying of cancer. I begged God not to take this sweet child from us, but He said no. Fast forward twelve years later, and I was begging Him for the life of my own son who was gravely ill with kidney disease, the doctors having warned us that he wouldn't live past the age of eight. Why God chose to take my brother's child home to heaven, and allowed my child to live is one that will be answered when I finish my journey here on earth and stand before Him. He has answered many prayers over the years "yes", "no" and "wait". Each step of the way I have seen His love demonstrated, even when I didn't understand His answer.
So it is, although I am a bit confused and frustrated by the current "wait" sign flashing before me on this journey to the next phase in my life, I can wait patiently. I know God's plans are always good, and far superior to anything I can even hope for or think. If He says to wait, I'll wait. If He says to move, I'll move. While I'm waiting on the next step to be revealed I will ask Him in what other ways He would like me to serve Him. Waiting in a different sense of the word.
For I know in whom I believe. I am confident He is faithful to complete the work that He's begun. My job is to stay on the path He places before me and simply say "Thy will be done." Because His ways are always the best.
May He be glorified in all I say and do.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
A light in the darkness
Lately it seems that the darkness in this world is increasing at an alarming rate. One news story of tragedy is barely delivered before another pushes it to the category of "old news". The number of significantly awful events has been unnerving over the past few months. The latest, the shooting of innocents as they attended their Sunday morning church service, left me shattered with sorrow. It's not that the other tragedies of floods and fires hadn't already made me grieve for those affected by them, but there was something about this particular incident that hit a deeper nerve. The fact that the pastor's 14 year old daughter was killed and a 6 year old boy seriously injured brought it much closer to home. I have a granddaughter that turned 15 this year and two 6 year old grandsons. They and their cousins regularly attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays, as well as other church sponsored events, with their parents and their grandfather and me.
Adding to the horror of the story, within minutes it became a hotbed of political discussion about gun rights.
But the narrative is NOT about whether or not people have the right to arm themselves against the dangers in this world. It's about the sin that causes people to deliberately harm others, and the response of the Christian community to sin.
When tragedies affect the believer our response has to be different than the world's.
Throughout the Bible there are accounts of sorrow upon sorrow visited upon the children of the LORD. The written record of their ability to turn their eyes away from the difficulty and to trust God's sovereignty, created the road map for each of us to follow.
If we so choose.
I think it is significant to note here that the response of many in the last few months of adversity has been to trust God in spite of the circumstances. Although it may not be recorded as "news worthy" by the reporting news stations, the network of believers have shared the truth through e-mails and social media. I have seen first hand the response to hurricane Harvey by the church we belonged to when we lived in Texas. Even though several within the church suffered their own losses, they banded together in an effort to reach out into the greater community to help. The church became, not only a command post of volunteers who have worked tirelessly to bring repairs to those in need, but far greater, a light in the darkness to those whose only question is "Why?"
I have seen a similar response from those whose lives have been forever altered through the shooting tragedy in Southerland Texas. It isn't coincidence that these events both happened within a short time frame of one another in an area that has been called 'the Bible belt".
Even in the midst of the darkening skies of a sin stained world, God is shining His light. He shines brightest through vessels who are willing to be transparent.
So what's our response going to be when we come face to face with the ever increasing wickedness that tries to hide the truth from those around us?
"If serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve... But as for me and my house we will serve the LORD."(Joshua 24:15 NIV)
And this little light of mine? I'm going to let it shine!
May God grant you the courage and strength necessary to become a transparent vessel He can use, and may He bless you exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or think.
To Him be the glory forever.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Deliverance from the power of sin
"Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips. Do not incline my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men who work iniquity." Psalm 114:3
On a daily basis I am grateful for God's grace. I try not to take it for granted, and relish in the reality that I am loved unconditionally. Most days I am able to keep the world and its negative influences at bay and not allow it to disrupt my behavior or speech.
Most days....but not every day.
Sadly, there are times when all the negativity begins to ooze through the chinks in my armor and I suddenly find I have said or done something that is not the representation of Christ I hope to project. The driver I cut off because I was in a hurry to get somewhere, the text to someone, or conversation with words that could have been more grace filled. The attitude that I am the one who is of more value or importance.
Yuck! The thought of these behaviors is disgusting to me, and yet, there they are, time and again in spite of my efforts to avoid them.
The words of Paul take on a rich meaning when I find myself in these places. "For the good I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice. Now if I do what I will not to do, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me. I find then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good. For I delight in the law of God according to the inward man. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God-through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin. There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." Romans 7:24-8:2
Oh what a precious gift God has given us. Deliverance for the power of sin, and freedom from the tyranny and consequences.
So on those awful occasions when we find ourselves captured in its dreadful snare, we can cry out to the Savior and He will come and rescue us. In His embrace we will always find freedom and forgiveness and the grace which blesses us above and beyond our wildest imagination.
What blessed assurance.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Fear Not
"The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1
"Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Throughout Scripture we read events of people being fearful and God reminding them not to be afraid or dismayed in their circumstances. In our heart of hearts we know God's word is true and He will help us, but there are times when fear shakes the foundations of our faith.
As I was preparing to write this piece I had just reviewed the latest news about the huge earthquake in Mexico city, another hurricane that hit the Caribbean Islands, and other reports of disasters and alarming news from various areas.
The world can be a pretty scary place at times, and it's easy to get distracted and caught up in the vortex of the fear if we allow our attention to be drawn away from the Savior's face.
Two of my favorite accounts of Jesus's ministry in the Bible are found in Matthew 14:22-32 and Mark 6:32-52. They tell of how the disciples had just witnessed Jesus feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, and then were sent out by boat to travel to the other side of the sea. When they were in the middle of the sea a great windstorm came up and they were afraid. Not only that, while in the midst of the storm they witnessed another miracle of Jesus walking on the water towards them.
In the account in Matthew we read of Peter's doubts being addressed when he cried out to Jesus "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.", to which Jesus replied "Come". And Peter did just that. He responded to the Lord's command, got out of the boat and began walking on water towards Jesus.
But then he got distracted.
The wind and the waves became boisterous and he turned his attention to them instead of keeping his focus fixed on Jesus.
And being afraid, he began to sink.
For some, this is where they remain in the midst of stormy seas. When the waves begin to assault and wash over them, their focus becomes blinded by the storm and they fail to see who is right in front of them.
But others are like Peter, who stepped out in faith, and though momentarily distracted by the storm know to call out to the Lord for help saying "Lord, save me!"
"And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him." (Matthew 14:31)
Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand.
Do you see that?
When Peter cried out "Lord save me" the help came immediately
But it wasn't without an admonishment. "Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Of course, Jesus knew the answer. He wasn't asking Peter because he didn't know, but rather wanting Peter to examine his own faith. After all, he had just been part of some pretty miraculous events.
It's the same for each one of us. God has demonstrated His faithfulness to us in countless ways and simple wants us to keep our eyes on Him. When the distractions come, and they will, we might get frightened and feel as though we are being overwhelmed by the fear in the storm. But be of good courage. Cry out to Jesus. He is there and ready to save us and remind us that doubt is our worst enemy.
But a faith that is fixed on the Savior's face will always allow us to walk on top of the stormy seas.
May God strengthen you with the knowledge of the miracles He performs daily in your lives and may He always be glorified.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
"Oh LORD, You are my God. I will exalt you. I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.. For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm." Isaiah 25:1,4
There are simply no words to describe the heaviness of spirit as I watch the news of all the damage caused by the flooding in the Houston area during hurricane Harvey. My family and I lived there for a little over eight years and sat through one hurricane, and prepared to evacuate for another. We know how fierce they can be. We have been getting regular reports from dear friends in the area where we lived. One reported that in some areas there was nearly 50 inches of water. Fifty inches!!
My heart hurts for all who are living through the devastation to the area, yet their Texas tenacity continues to inspire.
Although most we know were spared severe flooding, the floods have still affected their lives severely. The one that pierced my heart the most was the story of a friend whose sister wasn't able to be transported to a hospital after suffering a massive brain aneurism. The hurricane had flooded all the streets making them impassable for the ambulance, and the winds were too fierce for medi-flight to safely transport her. A network of prayer warriors surrounded her throughout the ordeal, even though the storm kept them from helping her physically.
Then there's the story of the young man who had recently lost his father, who packed up his truck with needed supplies and drove several hours to bring them to the church family where he'd grown up. He has since been working endless hours to help clean out damaged homes.
Although most we know were spared severe flooding, the floods have still affected their lives severely. The one that pierced my heart the most was the story of a friend whose sister wasn't able to be transported to a hospital after suffering a massive brain aneurism. The hurricane had flooded all the streets making them impassable for the ambulance, and the winds were too fierce for medi-flight to safely transport her. A network of prayer warriors surrounded her throughout the ordeal, even though the storm kept them from helping her physically.
Then there's the story of the young man who had recently lost his father, who packed up his truck with needed supplies and drove several hours to bring them to the church family where he'd grown up. He has since been working endless hours to help clean out damaged homes.
And the most recent that deeply touched my heart was the one of the woman who taught my daughter piano. Although advanced in age and now limited in mobility because of it she was frustrated because she wanted to help, but knew she would be unable to do the physical labor of pulling up carpet and removing soggy drywall and insulation. Still, she asked how she could help others in their time of need. What a precious picture of her sitting on her walker sorting socks for those who would need them in coming days.
Many more are offering their time volunteering in their neighborhoods, their churches, their schools, praying with those around them. They are opening up their homes for people to stay in, helping with laundry, child care, transportation, offering practical recommendations for those who are needing help and being helpful in whatever capacity they are able.
They are doing what so many of us wish we could.
The one thing that unites all of these is not the fact that they were all affected by the hurricane, nor is it that that many attended the same church at one point in their lives. The one uniting factor that knits their hearts together and mine with theirs, is their deep love for Jesus Christ. Their loving service to those around them demonstrates their desire to be His hands and feet, and shows a world that is desperately in need of hope, that hope still abides in Him.
It is the news we need to share with those around us every day.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Pursuing peace
"Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into the grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Romans 5:1&2
Sitting here in the quiet of our canyon retreat, listening to soft music, I could easily disappear here permanently. The troublesome news concerning the current state of our nation being played out before our eyes is disheartening. The enemy of our souls knows his time is limited, and he is pushing hard to distract and discourage all who are willing to listen. I must make a concentrated effort to look away from the distractions and close my ears to his discouraging lies. I remind myself that he is a thief and a liar and his only purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. (see John 10:10a)
Although I find it is increasingly more difficult to avoid the negative noise, I am comforted in the truth that God is still in control and He has come so that we can have abundant life (John 10:10b). Experience has taught me I can choose what to give attention to and what to ignore I have learned to seek after the things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8) In doing so, my anxieties subside and peace reigns.
My encouragement to each of you is to do the same. Find that place where you can disconnect from the noise of the world and reconnect with the Word of God. Let His peace wash over you as you stand in the waterfall of His grace that abounds for all who seek Him. Pursue peace. Pursue righteousness. Pursue joy.
Let the light of His truth flood your soul to overflowing so that others might be encouraged.
Stand firm.
Our redemption is on the horizon.
Sitting here in the quiet of our canyon retreat, listening to soft music, I could easily disappear here permanently. The troublesome news concerning the current state of our nation being played out before our eyes is disheartening. The enemy of our souls knows his time is limited, and he is pushing hard to distract and discourage all who are willing to listen. I must make a concentrated effort to look away from the distractions and close my ears to his discouraging lies. I remind myself that he is a thief and a liar and his only purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. (see John 10:10a)
Although I find it is increasingly more difficult to avoid the negative noise, I am comforted in the truth that God is still in control and He has come so that we can have abundant life (John 10:10b). Experience has taught me I can choose what to give attention to and what to ignore I have learned to seek after the things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4:8) In doing so, my anxieties subside and peace reigns.
My encouragement to each of you is to do the same. Find that place where you can disconnect from the noise of the world and reconnect with the Word of God. Let His peace wash over you as you stand in the waterfall of His grace that abounds for all who seek Him. Pursue peace. Pursue righteousness. Pursue joy.
Let the light of His truth flood your soul to overflowing so that others might be encouraged.
Stand firm.
Our redemption is on the horizon.
Saturday, July 15, 2017
Renewing my strength
"But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
I haven't done much today other than sit and enjoy the beauty of our canyon home. It's been some time since I've had the opportunity to simply enjoy the peace and quiet. Busy times at work, a fun but fast visit out of state to see family and deal with the remnants of my brother's estate, and just the day to day dealings with life had left me a bit drained. I needed today to refresh and reboot.
Even though I needed the down time, I found I was fighting not doing anything. The tendency to fill empty time with projects made me feel restless and uneasy as the day began. Even though I knew I needed to spend time in quiet reflection of the majesty of God's provision and allow Him to refresh my spirit, I wrestled with myself to sit and be still. Finally setting aside the "things I need to do" list, I began to simply listen. The quiet in the canyon can be a bit overwhelming at times, making one incredibly aware of aloneness.
Yet as I relaxed into the stillness of the day, I felt all the kinks and worries begin to wash away. Instead of listening for some sound, any sound in the quiet, I began listening to hear my Savior speak to my heart. He knows the things that have been troubling my soul.
The more I listened, the more aware I became of His deep and intimate love for me and those I love. My concerns and weariness began to slip away as I focused more acutely on His presence and the power of His words. Once again, my time alone with Him became beautifully intimate and personal. He was listening to me as much as I was listening to Him. All the things that concern me were laid at His feet in complete confidence that He can handle them.
Now as the end of the day draws near and my one on One time with Him, there is a deep longing to listen ever more carefully to what wisdom He might impart to me. Times like this are precious and I don't want to miss a word. I long to linger with Him a bit longer, but life beckons.
So as I pull away from the resting place beneath the shadow of His wing, I sigh with contentment and peace. My soul is refreshed and I feel refueled, once again able to go back into the fray.
There are so many who still need to hear of His love, so many hurting souls who need the healing touch of His grace. Having rested at His feet, I know I am now able to continue to do the work He has called me to do.
May His grace shine brightly through me and may others be drawn into His embrace.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
This little light of mine
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:14-16
Tonight while sitting on my front deck enjoying the cool evening air, my heart was heavy with sorrow for those whose lives have been rocked by tragedy. As I watched the fading daylight, my thoughts turned to how dim and without hope the world must seem to so many. Everywhere you turn there is news of some type of trouble. Even if the news isn't filled with the violence of man against man, it is still overrun with stories of people who appear to have lost all regard for anyone but themselves.
It wearies my soul.
Perhaps I am feeling it a bit more today because I spent a greater amount of time on social media than I normally spend. I am appalled by the mean spirited responses that fill so many posts. What happened to kindness? Post after post are inundated with people's thoughts on whatever given subject. Hiding in the obscurity of social media, many feel free to belittle others opinions and take pot shots at those with whom they disagree. It would appear that gentleness of spirit and kindness have simply disappeared. Rude statements and behaviors take the front row seat caring for no one other than self.
What a sad, sad commentary on today's society.
Now it's not to say that there aren't pockets of goodwill and kindness. There are scattered posts of God's goodness and grace, and people showing others through Christ like behavior and speech, that there are better ways to approach things. But they are definitely in the minority. I can only pray that the words of grace and truth will penetrate the most hardened heart.
All this to say, stand courageous my fellow followers of Christ. The enemy of our souls is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking those he can steal, kill and destroy. Don't let the negative world around you draw you into the snare.
I am deeply thankful that even in the midst of the troubled sounds of chaos and hatred, I can still distinguish the still small voice of peace that reminds me God is still on His throne and still in control. My heart rejoices in the reality that this world is NOT my home and a better one is coming.
As the darkness of the night removes the landscape from my eyes, the solar lights pop on, twinkling brightly. When it is the darkest, their light shows up the best.
A good reminder that even though darkness of soul has littered the landscape of humankind, the light of grace and truth shines most brightly against the backdrop.
I will hold this little light of mine high, reminding all I encounter that there is hope that shines in the darkness.
I will let it shine until His kingdom comes.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:14-16
"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, NO! I'm gonna let it shine
Won't let Satan blow it out I'm gonna let it shine
Won't let Satan blow it out I'm gonna let it shine
Won't let Satan blow it out I'm gonna let it shine
let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Let it shine 'til Jesus comes, I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine 'til Jesus comes, I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine 'til Jesus comes, I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine."
It wearies my soul.
Perhaps I am feeling it a bit more today because I spent a greater amount of time on social media than I normally spend. I am appalled by the mean spirited responses that fill so many posts. What happened to kindness? Post after post are inundated with people's thoughts on whatever given subject. Hiding in the obscurity of social media, many feel free to belittle others opinions and take pot shots at those with whom they disagree. It would appear that gentleness of spirit and kindness have simply disappeared. Rude statements and behaviors take the front row seat caring for no one other than self.
What a sad, sad commentary on today's society.
Now it's not to say that there aren't pockets of goodwill and kindness. There are scattered posts of God's goodness and grace, and people showing others through Christ like behavior and speech, that there are better ways to approach things. But they are definitely in the minority. I can only pray that the words of grace and truth will penetrate the most hardened heart.
All this to say, stand courageous my fellow followers of Christ. The enemy of our souls is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking those he can steal, kill and destroy. Don't let the negative world around you draw you into the snare.
I am deeply thankful that even in the midst of the troubled sounds of chaos and hatred, I can still distinguish the still small voice of peace that reminds me God is still on His throne and still in control. My heart rejoices in the reality that this world is NOT my home and a better one is coming.
As the darkness of the night removes the landscape from my eyes, the solar lights pop on, twinkling brightly. When it is the darkest, their light shows up the best.
A good reminder that even though darkness of soul has littered the landscape of humankind, the light of grace and truth shines most brightly against the backdrop.
I will hold this little light of mine high, reminding all I encounter that there is hope that shines in the darkness.
I will let it shine until His kingdom comes.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
When your pastor's wife looks like a fashion model...

Our pastor's wife is one of the most beautiful women I know. Not only does she look like a fashion model, but she models the Proverbial woman as well.
It can create a bit of a challenge.
Years ago when we were considering her husband and her for the senior pastorate position at our church, someone asked me what I thought about Rhonda. Having known Rhonda and Steve for years prior to them being considered for the pastorate, the answer was easy. "When I grow up I want to be just like her." I could see the surprised look on the face of the one asking the question because Rhonda is nine years younger than me.
You see, for as long as I've known her, she has been a living example of the Proverbs 31 woman and an amazing prayer warrior. She is gracious, loving and kind beyond words. Not only that, she is strikingly beautiful.
The challenge for me was knowing, as the older woman, I should be the example for her.
Our friendship goes back many years, and I have enjoyed watching her in her marriage and as she raised her children. Being nearly a decade older, I was able to see some things I had done right in my own marriage and child rearing, and many things I had done wrong. Seeing her dedication to God's word and her willingness to follow her husband's lead, has often humbled me and made me examine my own attitudes and behaviors. Although I love God's word, I'm afraid I haven't always been as best example of the Proverbial woman and submissive wife to those who are younger than I am.
Now that we're both grandmothers watching our children serving the Lord and raising their own families we marvel at the work of God's hand in our lives and thank Him for the opportunity to serve alongside one another.I am especially grateful that He placed this delightful younger woman in my life to help remind me of the joy and beauty that comes from loving our Lord Jesus Christ passionately and allowing Him to do His work through us.
What is it like serving alongside of a pastor's wife who looks like a fashion model and models the Proverbial woman?
A blessing beyond measure!
To get to know Rhonda Stoppe a bit better, I encourage you to look into the books she's written. She has two great books (available through Harvest House Publishers or Amazon) 'Moms Raising Sons to be men' and 'If My Husband Would Change Then I'd Be Happy(and other myths women believe), and has just finished writing her third book 'Real Life Romance' releasing in January2018.
#thevelveteengrandma #blessedbeyondmeasure #canyounlife #lifeinthecanyon
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Comfort for a hurting world
"Blessed by the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the same comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by
God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ." ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Have you ever hurt for those you know and love, or the world around you? Not just a little, "Oh I'm sorry they're going through a tough season." but the gut wrenching sorrow that makes you wish you could take away their pain and suffering.
The events of the past few weeks have made me cry out in tearful prayer. The tragic death of a friend's two year old granddaughter, and the chemical attacks in Syria where children and adults were poisoned and left gasping in pain are just two situations that have driven me to my knees in intercessory prayer.
Sometimes living in this broken world is harsh.
As I have prayed and pondered over the things that cause me to wince in sorrow for others, I find I am continually drawn to the verses from 2 Corinthians. I am so deeply grateful for the times I have been comforted by God through the kindnesses of those around me, who are paying forward the comfort they themselves have received from God through the hands of others.
I was only 17 when my nephew (front in center in the picture above) was dying from lymphoma at eight years old. The Vietnam war was still in full swing and many of the young men I knew were being drafted to go fight on foreign soil. In addition my Dad was beginning to show signs of declining heath. Life simply didn't make much sense, but it was especially difficult when my nephew lost his battle with lymphoma. I didn't understand how a merciful God would allow an eight year old child to suffer and die, nor how He would let people senselessly kill one another in another war that made 18 year old boys cringe at the thought of being sent to fight. Even though I knew there would be a time when my Dad would no longer be with me, the thought was terrifying in a world that seemed to get crazier by the day.
In looking back, I realize it was his and mom/s steadfast faith in God being Sovereign that helped me navigate a very difficult passage of time. Their confidence in His plan, even when they didn't understand it, helped me to begin a deeper journey of trusting Him as I grew into adulthood. When my own son became gravely ill many years later when only 15 moths old, their same steadfast faith and confidence in God's Sovereign will, once again brought comfort to my hurting heart. Wrestling with the reality that God allowed my son to live, when my brother's son had not, sent me deeper into God's word,and honed my faith even more.
Not long after my boy was healed from kidney disease, I was given the opportunity to comfort a young mother whose daughter had suffered a massive head injury after being accidently run over by the child's aunt. I knew I didn't have anything of my own to offer, other than the comfort God had given me so many times in the past. Many prayers were lifted on their behalf, and I witnessed God comfort the family during their long season of the testing of their faith.
And that's exactly what difficulties in life do, they test and hone our faith. They cause us to try to run away from God and the hurt and sorrow, or carry us into a more intimate relationship with Him. If we try to run, we find we are hounded by questions and doubts as our faith is assailed. Yet, when we choose to accept the comfort that is offered at the hands of those who have been comforted by Him, we are drawn deep into His embrace and experience a peace that is beyond explanation as our faith becomes just a little bit stronger.
Nothing is wasted in God's economy. He uses everything for our good and His glory.
Let me say it again.
Nothing is wasted in God's economy. He uses everything for our good and His glory
Nothing wasted! EVERYTHING for our good and His glory!
Nothing wasted! EVERYTHING for our good and His glory!
When DT was desperately sick and hospitalized so many times for nearly two years, Romans 8:28,31, and 35-39 became some of my favorite verses:
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."(vs 28) "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (vs 31) and "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: "For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter" (Ps.44:22) Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height or depth, nor any other created ting, shall be able to separate us for the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (vs 35-39)
What comforting thoughts. If God is for us nothing can be against us, and nothing can separate us from His love. And isn't that what we all want the most, the knowledge that we're not abandoned or forgotten, and the comfort and peace that we are deeply loved and cared for and protected by the One Who created us?
It is that amazing and deep rooted confidence that carries me through the rough patches in life and grants me the ability to offer that same confidence and peace to others who are in need. The wonder and joy of His presence as I lean into Him and invite others into His embrace, surrounds and holds me through the stormiest seasons, and I rest in His mighty hands.
May He forever be glorified in all I say and do.
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."(vs 28) "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (vs 31) and "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written: "For Your sake we are killed all day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter" (Ps.44:22) Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height or depth, nor any other created ting, shall be able to separate us for the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (vs 35-39)
What comforting thoughts. If God is for us nothing can be against us, and nothing can separate us from His love. And isn't that what we all want the most, the knowledge that we're not abandoned or forgotten, and the comfort and peace that we are deeply loved and cared for and protected by the One Who created us?
It is that amazing and deep rooted confidence that carries me through the rough patches in life and grants me the ability to offer that same confidence and peace to others who are in need. The wonder and joy of His presence as I lean into Him and invite others into His embrace, surrounds and holds me through the stormiest seasons, and I rest in His mighty hands.
May He forever be glorified in all I say and do.
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Living a life of peace, contentment and joy
"See to it that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all." 1Thessalonians 5:15
While I doing my Bible study today, I came across notes I'd written on 1 Thessalonians 5:11-22. At the very bottom of the page is the line "The beauty of a life well lived for Christ - Peace, Contentment, Joy". There is a simple drawing of a butterfly next to it as my personal reminder to continue living a transformed life.
For me, living the transformed life is a daily choice.
Each morning, and throughout the day, I must decide if I am going to live in obedience to God's will, or recklessly pursue my own. The path I choose determines my destination. When I choose my own selfish will, I discover I bump along the road frustrated (and often angry) with those near me. The beam in my eye (see Matthew 7:3) prevents me from seeing clearly as I try to perform spiritual surgery on the world around me. More often than not, in my blinded pursuit of self-will, I stumble and fall, hurting not only myself, but others as I grasp for a hand hold on anything that might save me from myself.
On the flip side, when I deliberately and actively choose to pursue the path God has laid before me, I find peace of spirit is my first companion. Coming quickly up beside is contentment, which ultimately brings joy. I'm not sure why I would ever want to stray from His path, but I know the enemy works to "steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10) so I must constantly guard my heart and daily prepare for the battle (Ephesians 6:10-18) that will always ensue.
Once I am fully prayed up and prepared for the day, I am better able to do that which I've been called to do; share Christ's love with those around me.
To do so, taking note from 1 Thessalonians 5:11-22 I find it easier as I joyfully anticipate His return.
- Verse 11 tells me I am to comfort and edify, which reminds me I am to be an encouragement to others. My job is to build up, not tear down, to comfort with Christ's presence, always remembering I am responsible for my affect on other people's lives.
- Verses 12-14 urge me to respect those in leadership roles. God is dealing with me through those He has put in authority over me. My response to them ultimately shows my response to God. I am reminded to warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, and to be patient with all.
- Verse 15 reminds me to pursue grace, always seeking after that which is good. A reference verse in my notes is Colossians 1:27 "Christ in you, the hope of glory." On my own I am unable to do what God calls me to, with Him, all things are possible.(see Philippians 4:13) Christ demonstrated strength in His ability to initiate good in the face of evil. He is the One Who will empower me to do the same.
- Verses 16-18 are the reminders that joyful thanksgiving is a necessary part of the journey. Learning to give thanks in every situation takes practice, but it is possible knowing God is in control. He never looks down and says "Oops!" By determining to pray without ceasing, with an attitude of gratitude for every situation helps me to focus on God's sufficiency in all things. In thanking Him, even in the difficult times, I demonstrate my willingness to trust Him without reservation or hesitation. He is always faithful.
- Verses 19-20 reminds me a yielded spirit is one that is totally surrendered to God's plan. I am most victorious when I am completely obedient to Him. His word is the lamp that lights the path He places before me, and strengthens me for the journey.
- Verse 21 tells me to be discerning. I am only able to do so as I search the word and ask God to grant me a discerning spirit.
- Verse 22 the reminder to abstain from every form of evil. I must continually protect my eyes, mind and body from the enemy. He is subtle and sly and will use every weapon he can to distract and disrupt me from doing God's will. A good verse to remember is "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." Isaiah 54:17 Memorizing God's word isn't just an activity for children in Sunday school, it is the protective armor that keeps us safe from the lies of the enemy.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Contentment verses complacency
An interesting thing happened this morning when I was trying to write this post. I had a complete article written on contentment, but it appears to have gotten lost somewhere in cyberspace.
After searching for the lost post for some time, I could easily have given up,
putting into practice the very thing I had written about, being content in all circumstances.
In the previously written, and now lost post, I had compared the attitude of enjoying the
sunshine today, over the rain that has pummeled the area over the last few weeks. I looked at
how easy it is to slide into discontentment when things don't go the way we think they should.
I even used my goofy dogs who choose to sit on top of their doghouse in the rain looking forlorn,
but then are anxious to get outside when we bring them in out of the rain, as an example.
Their behavior is so much like ours is far too often. We think we want what we want until we
have it, and then we want something else.
As I looked for the lost article, I began thinking about the difference between contentment and complacency. It would have been easy to simply give up and not even bother to post today. After all, I had written a complete piece and it had simply disappeared. Maybe I wasn't supposed to write today.
But in my heart, I knew there was a message that needed to be shared. The more I adjusted my attitude about the lost piece,and prayed what the Lord would have me do, the more I realized I needed to share the difference between contentment and complacency. It's a fine line that divides being content in what is, and rolling over into complacency and an unwillingness to do anything to make a situation better.
I know I tread a very thin space in trying to make my point.
I am well aware of the Scripture that says "Godliness with contentment is great gain."
(1 Timothy 6:6 ) and completely agree that being content in the things the Lord has provided is paramount to contentment. Recognizing and appreciating the abundance in which He provides is the joy of living centered in His will. He always supplies above and beyond all we can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) So the challenge arises:
What are we to do when things cause us to feel discontent?
Do we ever allow complacency to keep us from true contentment?
I recently had a conversation with an older woman who has been living under a tarp on the streets near my work. She has lived there for two years. When I asked, she gladly shared her story. She was happy that I cared enough to spend time talking with her. As our conversation continued and she spoke of being grateful for God's provision over the time she'd been on the street, a question began forming in my mind. When she had told me all the details of her situation, I asked her if she thought she was fulfilling the purpose God had for her life where she was. She and the younger woman with her exchanged a look. I knew the question had challenged both of them. Not wanting either of them to think I was judging their situation, I told them I saw they were helping one another, which was good. I continued to press them though on whether or not they felt they were doing what God wanted them to do. I immediately saw the answer to my question in their eyes. The older woman spoke up first. She realized that, even though her current situation wasn't as bad as many on the streets, she had family who had been pressing her to make a change, and she knew she could be a better advocate for others on the street if she empowered herself. The younger woman nodded, but I could sense she was still fighting to find the next hand hold up out of her current state. I encouraged them to find a Celebrate Recovery program nearby, and both seemed willing to do so, the older of the two expressing she knew it was time to move forward. She recognized she had become complacent about her situation and needed to make the necessary changes to fulfill God's plan for her life. My prayer is she will be able to do what she said she was going to do, and will help her younger friend to achieve the same victory.
Contentment in the things God has provided is a wonderful gift for everyone. Complacency is a lie from the enemy of our souls. Contentment comes from being satisfied knowing we are in the center of God's will. Complacency comes from failing to seek Him in all things. We need to respond when He tells us to move forward or to be still. We need to listen carefully to His instructions and obey Him in all things. He has a great purpose and plan for each one of us and seeking to fulfill it is what brings ultimate contentment.
May He receive honor in all things we say and do.
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5&6
"Seek the LORD while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near" Isaiah 55:6
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