Saturday, July 15, 2017


Renewing my strength

"But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

I haven't done much today other than sit and enjoy the beauty of our canyon home.  It's been some time since I've had the opportunity to simply enjoy the peace and quiet.  Busy times at work, a fun but fast visit out of state to see family and deal with the remnants of my brother's estate, and just the day to day dealings with life had left me a bit drained. I needed today to refresh and reboot.

Even though I needed the down time, I found I was fighting not doing anything.  The tendency to fill empty time with projects made me feel restless and uneasy as the day began. Even though I knew I needed to spend time in quiet reflection of the majesty of God's provision and allow Him to refresh my spirit, I wrestled with myself to sit and be still. Finally setting aside the "things I need to do" list, I began to simply listen.  The quiet in the canyon can be a bit overwhelming at times, making one incredibly aware of aloneness.

Yet as I relaxed into the stillness of the day, I felt all the kinks and worries begin to wash away. Instead of listening for some sound, any sound in the quiet, I began listening to hear my Savior speak to my heart. He knows the things that have been troubling my soul.

The more I listened, the more aware I became of His deep and intimate love for me and those I love. My concerns and weariness began to slip away as I focused more acutely on His presence and the power of His words. Once again, my time alone with Him became beautifully intimate and personal. He was listening to me as much as I was listening to Him. All the things that concern me were laid at His feet in complete confidence that He can handle them. 

Now as the end of the day draws near and my one on One time with Him, there is a deep longing to listen ever more carefully to what wisdom He might impart to me.  Times like this are precious and I don't want to miss a word. I long to linger with Him a bit longer, but life beckons.

So as I pull away from the resting place beneath the shadow of His wing, I sigh with contentment and peace. My soul is refreshed and I feel refueled, once again able to go back into the fray. 

There are so many who still need to hear of His love, so many hurting souls who need the healing touch of His grace. Having rested at His feet, I know I am now able to continue to do the work He has called me to do.

May His grace shine brightly through me and may others be drawn into His embrace.

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