Tuesday, April 11, 2017

When your pastor's wife looks like a fashion model...

Our pastor's wife is one of the most beautiful women I know.  Not only does she look like a fashion model, but she models the Proverbial woman as well.

It can create a bit of a challenge.

Years ago when we were considering her husband and her for the senior pastorate position at our church, someone asked me what I thought about Rhonda.  Having known Rhonda and Steve for years prior to them being considered for the pastorate, the answer was easy. "When I grow up I want to be just like her." I could see the surprised look on the face of the one asking the question because Rhonda is nine years younger than me.

You see, for as long as I've known her, she has been a living example of the Proverbs 31 woman and an amazing prayer warrior.  She is gracious, loving and kind beyond words. Not only that, she is strikingly beautiful.

The challenge for me was knowing, as the older woman, I should be the example for her.

Our friendship goes back many years, and I have enjoyed watching her in her marriage and as she raised her children.  Being nearly a decade older, I was able to see some things I had done right in my own marriage and child rearing, and many things I had done wrong.  Seeing her dedication to God's word and her willingness to follow her husband's lead, has often humbled me and made me examine my own attitudes and behaviors. Although I love God's word, I'm afraid I haven't always been as best example of the Proverbial woman and submissive wife to those who are younger than I am.

Now that we're both grandmothers watching our children serving the Lord and raising their own families we marvel at the work of God's hand in our lives and thank Him for the opportunity to serve alongside one another.I am especially grateful that He placed this delightful younger woman in my life to help remind me of the joy and beauty that comes from loving our Lord Jesus Christ passionately and allowing Him to do His work through us.

What is it like serving alongside of a pastor's wife who looks like a fashion model and models the Proverbial woman?

A blessing beyond measure!

To get to know Rhonda Stoppe a bit better, I encourage you to look into the books she's written. She has two great books (available through Harvest House Publishers or Amazon) 'Moms Raising Sons to be men' and 'If My Husband Would Change Then I'd Be Happy(and other myths women believe), and has just finished writing her third book 'Real Life Romance' releasing in January2018.

#thevelveteengrandma #blessedbeyondmeasure #canyounlife #lifeinthecanyon


  1. Hi, there, Amy - this is Sparrow from Under the Waterfall of Grace blog..you had left a comment inviting me to your blog, so I thought I'd hop on over and say hi! I really enjoyed reading different posts here, especially the one above. You are a truly humble and sweet person, I can tell..it blesses me how you are not jealous of your pastor's wife but instead honor and respect her and allow her excellence to encourage and challenge you. That's really beautiful. I want to be more like that. It was a blessing to 'meet' you here in blog-land..may you have a blessed day!

    1. Sparrow, thank you for your kind words. God has taught me many wonderful things over the years. Learning to live under the waterfall of His grace has been amazing. May He bless you in your journey with Him.
