Sunday, September 3, 2017


"Oh LORD, You are my God. I will exalt you. I will praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things; Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.. For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm." Isaiah 25:1,4

There are simply no words to describe the heaviness of spirit as I watch the news of all the damage caused by the flooding in the Houston area during hurricane Harvey.  My family and I lived there for a little over eight years and sat through one hurricane, and prepared to evacuate for another.  We know how fierce they can be. We have been getting regular reports from dear friends in the area where we lived. One reported that in some areas there was nearly 50 inches of water.  Fifty inches!!
My heart hurts for all who are living through the devastation to the area, yet their Texas tenacity continues to inspire. 
Although most we know were spared severe flooding, the floods have still affected their lives severely. The one that pierced my heart the most was the story of a friend whose sister wasn't able to be transported to a hospital after suffering a massive brain aneurism. The hurricane had flooded all the streets making them impassable for the ambulance, and the winds were too fierce for medi-flight to safely transport her. A network of prayer warriors surrounded her throughout the ordeal, even though the storm kept them from helping her physically.
Then there's the story of the young man who had recently lost his father, who packed up his truck with needed supplies and drove several hours to bring them to the church family where he'd grown up.  He has since been working endless hours to help clean out damaged homes.
And the most recent that deeply touched my heart was the one of the woman who taught my daughter piano. Although advanced in age and now limited in mobility because of it she was frustrated because she wanted to help, but knew she would be unable to do the physical labor of pulling up carpet and removing soggy drywall and insulation. Still, she asked how she could help others in their time of need. What a precious picture of her sitting on her walker sorting socks for those who would need them in coming days.
Many more are offering their time volunteering in their neighborhoods, their churches, their schools, praying with those around them. They are opening up their homes for people to stay in, helping with laundry, child care, transportation, offering practical recommendations for those who are needing help and being helpful in whatever capacity they are able.
They are doing what so many of us wish we could.

The one thing that unites all of these is not the fact that they were all affected by the hurricane, nor is it that that many attended the same church at one point in their lives. The one uniting factor that knits their hearts together and mine with theirs, is their deep love for Jesus Christ. Their loving service to those around them demonstrates their desire to be His hands and feet, and shows a world that is desperately in need of hope, that hope still abides in Him.

It is the news we need to share with those around us every day.

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