Monday, May 4, 2020

Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance
 a poem by Amy D. Torres 
When the peace that I've been feeling is suddenly slammed against the wall,
as I get my bearings, on the Lord Jesus's name I call .
The raging tempest of the storm
makes for wild and rolling seas, 
but rather than try to stand on my own, 
I fall quickly to my knees.
"I need You Lord,  please help me!",
is the cry I speak.
He is the only solution,  
the only answer I will seek.
And at the time the howling winds
are shrieking at their fiercest,
deep within my soul I hear God's voice 
reminding me of His nearness. 
"Do not be afraid,  My child. I will never leave you.
There's nothing you encounter 
that I won't see you through.
You trust Me when there's light around
you can trust Me in the dark.
Nothing the enemy throws at you
will ever diminish the spark
of the flame of faith I'm growing in you,
I will make it brightly burn.
There's nothing you ever need to do,
My grace you cannot earn.
You can rest within the tempest squalls, they rise and fall at My command.  
Be reassured and comforted child-
Nothing will ever snatch you from my hand.
Psalm 56:3 "Whenever I am afraid I will trust in You."
#thevelveteengrandma #blessedbeyondmeasure #prayerispower

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