Friday, August 3, 2018

The Unseen

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7

Although I love a grand adventure, I am not a thrill seeker by nature.
Anyone who knows me well, knows I like a plan, or at the very least, a vague idea of how things are going to go. I call myself "Let's plan it Paula".  Of course as life would have it I am married to "Spontaneous Sam". To say this hasn't created some interesting situations in our marriage would be an understatement. Early on in our relationship I recognized that the need for me to be more flexible would be paramount in the survival of our marriage. As aggravating as it was to give up my very controlled sense of well being, and move forward into a greater walk of faith, I am grateful God paired me with my husband who has taught me to trust God on a deeper level.
It hasn't always been an easy journey though.
Learning to surrender my plans for God's plans has been a process which I must submit to every day. I still tend to think things will continue heading a certain direction and find myself surprised when there is a sudden turn or redirect on the path. Embracing the moments I live in, rather than projecting where I think we're headed is a moment by moment decision.
It's the long curves in the road that seem to frustrate me the most. I can see just far enough that I think I know which direction we're going, only to discover it's not always as I thought. Learning to sit back and enjoy the ride is difficult for one who wants to drive.
But faith is a journey and grows with each curve and turn as I trust the outcome to the Lord.
As much as I think I know what is best, or what I really, really want, time and again God has graciously shown me how much greater His plans are than mine.
I have discovered He is always faithful and knows me better than I know myself. In addition He has given me a long view of life, and when I trust Him, I am able to better see things from His perspective and rest in His sufficiency. Every time I have walked boldly into the unseen, even with my knees shaking and my faith feeling feeble and unsteady, He has met me and shown me the greater plan and purpose. It makes walking into the curve easier every day.
Do I know what the future holds? No; but I do know who holds the future and I am confident I can trust Him completely. I know He is able to get me there safely.
My prayer is that you too may you find His faithfulness and love incentive to trust Him and to walk with Him in assurance and peace.
To Him be all honor and glory.

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