Monday, June 25, 2018

Be steadfast in faith

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world." 1 Peter 5:8,9

The enemy knew it was only a matter of time, and his time was short.  He didn't mind waiting for the right moment though; the children were becoming complacent.
He had watched as the littlest among them had been trying to keep the others awake and watchful, but her efforts were beginning to seem futile. He would prowl the perimeters and wait.

A low growl escaped one of his helpers.
"Silence!"  he hissed. "They mustn't hear. They must not suspect our presence."

The children yawned and stretched. The sun was warm and their bellies were full. Life seemed complete.

The littlest started to whimper again, something about feeling danger. She thought she'd heard a growl. The others gazed in her direction lazily.

"Don't be such a silly, frightened little thing."  the oldest and laziest chided her. "It's probably just your stomach. You've hardly eaten a thing.  Isn't it to your liking?" he teased her sarcastically while reaching for another handful.

"No! No, it's not that" she argued. "It's not my stomach.  I've eaten, although I won't take more. It makes me tired.  I heard something though.  Listen!!" she implored the others, leaning forward, straining to hear.

But her warning fell on ears that refused to hear.

On the fringes, the enemy lay low.
Ready to devour his prey.


I wrote the piece above several years ago, but it seems even more appropriate today as I watch the world unravel into greater images of insanity of man's inhumanity to man. It makes my heart sad and deepens my commitment to pray for the young people of this generation.

What a sweet blessing to receive a picture from my dear friend Rhonda Stoppe ( #noregretswoman #momsraisingsonstobeen ) that she'd taken at the camp where she and her husband spoke this past weekend. In it there are six young boys on their knees praying for their families, their friends, their future.

Our future.

I cannot begin to express to you the pure joy and comfort her picture brought to my soul. It speaks volumes.

Not only are these boys praying, but they are young boys.  None of them are yet in their teens, yet their hearts are already burdened to pray for others. 

What a beautiful sight and so desperately needed for this generation.

I am so glad to know there are young men and young women who are taking up the banner for Christ and interceding in prayer on behalf of others.  As the world continues its spiral into the future, they are going to need to be well versed in God's word and fully equipped with the full armor.

Each of us need to take the battle seriously. This world is not our home.

Have you girded yourself for battle?
Are you steadfastly and diligently watching for signs of the enemy and fervently resisting him?

Don't become complacent.
The battle is real.

And the best place to fight it is on our knees in prayer seeking God's will.

May He guide, guard and protect us all.  To Him be all glory and praise.

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