Friday, May 18, 2018

"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." ~ Jesus as recorded in John 16:33

Well, it happened again.  Another tragic shooting on a high school campus.

It grieves my heart when I hear of things like this.
I am grieved of heart every time I hear how sin has captured someone in its snare and created chaos.

But it happens, again and again, and it's been going on since the beginning of man's existence here on earth.

The enemy of our souls prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. One of the most subtle tactics of the devil is to create a false sense of security, causing individuals to  become preoccupied with things, or complacent, rather than being watchful. But Scripture is very clear that we need to be ever aware, watchful and vigilant.  (1 Peter 5:8)

We wouldn't go out in the jungle without thought of the dangers, yet sadly far too many people go about their day with no sense of danger or care for themselves or those they love.

We are reminded in Ephesians 6:10-17 to put on the full armor of God, to take our position and stand
In 1Thessolonias 5:18 we are told to pray without ceasing.

This doesn't guarantee that no tragedy will ever befall those we love or ourselves. but it does empower us to face whatever may come our way and keeps our focus fixed on the Lord's face.

Sadly there are many in this world who will succumb to the distractions and lies of the enemy and he will consume them. Our only defense is to stand fast in the Lord and to continually pursue the path of spite of the noise of battle around us.

God is still in control even in the midst of the storm.

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. In doing so others will follow your gaze and find peace, comfort and hope in Him.


Please pray diligently for all who were involved in this latest tragedy and continue to pray for revival in our Nation. 

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