Friday, July 6, 2018

Living water

Lately I have been feeling the strain of living in an area where rain is scarce. The irrigated dessert just doesn't have as many rivers and lakes as I would like, and the ocean is two plus hours away. The heat of summer and the dry conditions make me feel cranky and agitated.  I love being around water and seeing how green it makes things in the summer in the areas where it is allowed to flow freely. Being on a well, or in an area where there are water restrictions limits one though.
How grateful I am that God has supplied living water for my soul through Jesus Christ.
Before I sat to write this I had to take time with my Savior to refresh my parched spirit. Things of this world and the  summer heat had begun to dedehydrate me spiritually and I could feel the drying wind blow on my soul. I quickly ran to the place where I knew I would find comfort and refreshment.
The river of grace is a continual stream flowing freely from the throne of God and always restores the one who seeks refuge there.
The world's system is a constant drain on the people who dwell here. We must remember to take adequate time in the waterfall of grace so that we can effectively minister to those who thirst for truth.
May each of us drink deeply of the living water that Jesus supplies and look for those who are dying of thirst so we might show them the way to the place of eternal refreshment.

"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water syringing up into everlasting life." ~Jesus as recorded in John 4:14

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