Thursday, January 4, 2018

Into the new

This morning as I looked out my window I was reminded once again of the numerous blessings the Lord has bestowed on us.  I love foggy mornings in the canyon, because the stillness always causes me to reflect more deeply upon the nearness of my Savior.  It is always humbling to realize that He desires intimacy with me.  Far too often I get caught up in the rush and crush of the world and fail to spend adequate time sitting at His feet, listening to the love song He is always singing. Mornings like today help me to slow down and really listen.

As I was sitting at the table doing my morning devotional and pondering the close of another year and beginning of a new one, my eyes were drawn to Isaiah 57:15 "For thus says the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: "I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who as a contrite and humble spirit. To revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." I was then drawn to Isaiah 66:1&2 "Thus says the LORD: "Heaven is my throne, and earth is My footstool, where is the house that you will build me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things My hand has made, and all those things exists" says the LORD. "But on this one thing will I look: on him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word."

What an awesome and amazing thought!
The God of all creation, Elohim, Who sits with heaven as a throne and Whose footstool is the earth, yet He looks on the one who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at His word. 

Think about that for just a moment.

I mean, really think about it.

Today the reality of His greatness and my insignificance in the realm of all creation settled just a bit deeper in my soul.

You see, I am not always as grateful for the things He brings into my life.  Although I know Scriptures remind me to be thankful in all things (Ephesian 5:20) and to be joyful in all circumstances (James 1:2), I still struggle. In many ways I am like the children of Israel who He delivered from captivity, only to have them whine in the desert...even in the midst of blessings. (For a quick synopsis read Psalm 78). When He first moved us to the canyon, I sadly admit to being a bit like Lots wife who looked back over her shoulder to see what was being left behind. (Genesis 19:26) Thankfully He didn't turn me into a pillar of salt, but gently and graciously revealed to me the blessing He was pouring out.

Realizing this always humbles me.

So many times I have whined in the midst of being stretched spiritually, or held my hand out asking for greater than He has already provided.

Forgive me Lord.

Whenever I look at His enormous grace towards me always creates a deeper love for Him and greater security and peace of spirit than I can describe.  It is the what I always find when I choose to dwell in the place of contentment in the hollow of His hand.

As the new year begins to unfold before me, my only desire is to go deeper into my relationship with Him.  I am so very thankful for the love He has lavished on me and those I love. I pray earnestly that each will comprehend the vastness of His love, and will desire greater fellowship as well.

The message of Christmas is that God brought hope into the world for all mankind through His Son Jesus Christ.  The message needs to go out boldly in the new year. There are still so many who don't know.

May each of us have eyes to see the path God puts before us, ears to hear the love song He is always singing and hands that are willing to do His will. May He be glorified in everything we say and do.

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