Wednesday, June 15, 2016

As the shuttle pulls onto the freeway marking the beginning of my journey back to California, after a wonderful time in Colorado, I lift a prayer towards heaven.  My prayer is one of thanksgiving for a wonderful time with my sisters on our sister trip and the other family members I was able to see. I also pray for a safe and efficient trip to the airport (the shuttle is already running late and there's traffic.  I add a prayer for the ability to get through the security lines and to my gate without further delay and to catch my flight without having to rush. My deepest prayer is for the grace of God to flow through me no matter what happens. The verse from James 1:2-4 the comes to mind as I view the traffic. "My brethren,  count it all joy when you fall into various trials,  for the testing of your faith produces patience.  But let patience have its perfect work so that you will be perfect and complete   lacking nothing."
I hear the stress in the voice of one of the other passengers whose fight is 30 minutes prior to mine, and suppress the anxiety that tries to rise up in me. I know that nothing comes that hasn't been filtered ththroug God's loving hands and His grace is sufficient for whatever He brings my way.
So as we merge back into traffic after picking up the last passenger for this journey, I settle into my seat and into God's perfect peace. He is aware of every detail, even to the number of graying hairs on my head. I can trust Him in whatever adventure He holds in His Omniscient hands.
It is well with my soul.

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