Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Serenity in Silence

"In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength. " Isaiah 30:15

Quiet! Beautiful and peaceful quiet.

As I sit here in the momentary lull when there is absolutely no sound as the refidgerator temporarily stops running , my ears strain to hear other sounds. In the deep of the canyon we are often blessed with a soul satisfying silence. It is in these moments of utter and complete quiet that I find I listen intently for the sound of my Saviors voice. As one who has been underwater too long breathes in great gulps of air, I breathe deeply as my soul revels in the Presence of God in this place.

You see, the noise of the world can easily hinder us from hearing God as He speaks to us. That's why it's imperative to deliberately set a time and place to seek Him and to listen carefully. Even though I make a habit of a daily devotional and quiet time, I find they are much like snack food rather than true nourishment for my soul. They serve a purpose and keep me from starving to death spirituality, but lack the necessary components for a deeply satisfied soul. As I take the time to be still and rest at the foot of the cross with no other agenda but to bask in my Savior's presence I am reminded of the beauty of this place. There is absolutely nothing that compares to time alone with Him.

These are treasured and cherished moments that not only fill me with the needed energy to keep fighting the good fight, but serve as encouragement to return often. Time here is a banquet of refreshment to my soul.

As you journey I pray you will make opportunity to spend adequate time in silence listening intently for the sound of God's voice. May you find the refreshing waterfall of all parched souls as you sit at His feet.

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