Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dealing with the detours

"For I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope."  Jeremiah 29:11
"Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs3:5&6

One of the things I strive for as I get older is the ability to remain flexible. Now I am not speaking of flexibility only in the physical sense. Although taking care of myself physically is important, I am speaking of the mental capacity to change directions without causing harm to myself or others. You see,  I am rather a "plan it Paula" type of personality. I like knowing what is on the agenda and how we are going to attain whatever objective or goal we have in mind. Having a well planned journey is my preferred way of traveling. It gives me comfort thinking I know what is going to happen.

Reality is much different. I think that is why God linked me in marriage to someone who is much more "spontaneous Sam" in his approach to life. I have been taught the value I being flexible. Although having a basic plan is important, more often than not there will be snags and detours in the journey. Learning to face them with a joyful heart and cheerful spirit has been stretching for me.

Today was one of those days. It is my "day off" and I had certain ideas how I was going to spend it. I had already adjusted my plans to accommodate changes that had come up, so I wasn't feeling particularly joyful when my six year old grandson popped in the front door with a sewing project he wanted me to do for him.

But as the Velveteen Grandma I need to adjust my heart and facial expression so the grandchild will feel the love, rather than the temporary frustration over another change in my plan. It is, after all God's plan I am ultimately hoping to fulfill.

After the initial taming of the grumble in my spirit (to which I admit to ashamedly, but need to be honest with what I was feeling) I began sewing the blanket he had brought me. As I worked he chattered merrily about things in his life and joyfully straightened the bed and tidied the room which doubles as a spare bedroom/playroom. My heart was humbled by his servant spirit and joyous demeanor.

Once the blanket was done he thanked me and scooted back to is house leaving me in the silence of my own attitude.

Jesus calls us to come to Him as children, but too often the road I travel to get there is cluttered with the busyness of life and self serving ideas. My plans litter the path with debris and my sight becomes clouded with failed expectations and disappointments. About the time I am groaning beneath the weight of self-imposed travel, God calls me aside with a detour.

And I am glad He does.

It is the road He has set that I most desire to see.

Detours are not convenient or planned in our journey in life, but it is on the road less traveled that we can discover the most beautiful treasures.

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