Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Where will this year take you?

" A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:9NKJV

Today marks the beginning of a new year and a new decade. It seems that in less than a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

This morning as I was sitting with my husband talking over the events of the past year and trying to set some reasonable goals for the coming year, I couldn't help but sigh over how quickly time seems to pass lately. I know in part it is because we are aging and we are more profoundly aware of the limited time we have to make a positive impact on the lives of our children, grandchildren and others around us. Yet in speaking with those who are much younger, I hear the same lament that time is rapidly slipping away.

Perhaps it is because we have so much "instant access" to almost everything. Rarely do we wait for any length of time for most things these days. Certainly there are some places where there are delays, but more and more we see rapid response to most everything.

It makes waiting difficult.

But waiting is good.

It teaches patience, resilience and trust.

Learning to trust the path the Lord has laid is a journey filled with times where these qualities get tested and tried frequently.

As I sit back and evaluate the things I have learned in the past year, and make an effort to organize my time effectively for the new year, I am grateful that I have a Shepherd Who will lead me. Far too often I have wandered on the road of my own plans, only to find myself frustrated. Whenever I have chosen to follow Him though, my journey has been one of joy and immense contentment and peace.

And so today, as I filled out the calendar for the coming year, and gaze into the unknown future, I am thankful for the knowledge that it is all in God's hands and I can trust Him in every way.  Although I don't know with certainty what the future holds, I have absolute assurance Who holds it.

It is into His warm embrace I lean into, and sigh another sigh. 
This time one of complete peace.

May this coming year find you following Jesus ever more closely, and may His peace abound in your lives.

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