Friday, September 6, 2019

Our storyline

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. Life has a tendency to rumble forward quickly these days. I can hardly believe we're a little over three months out from the end of 2019. Time truly moves faster the older I get.

I vividly remember bemoaning the long wait over something to my father when I was little. Smiling at me, he gently instructed me of the importance of waiting patiently, and told me how time would move more quickly the older I got. Of course, I didn't believe him then, but certainly do now. Learning to embrace the moments as they are and living them well has been a valuable journey.

Recently I've begun research for a story I'd like to write, and seeing how many changes have taken place in a little over 100 years has caused me to look even more carefully about how I spend my days. Trying to make a believable timeline made the reality of the swift passage and massive changes over a short period of time come jarringly into focus.

The fictional story may or may not get written, but every day my story is played out. More quickly than I even know, my time here on earth will be nothing more than a memory. The question arises; how will the story of my life impact others?

It is a question I often ponder and pray that the path I have cut in my journey will lead others to the Lord Jesus Christ Whom I love more than life itself. If that is all I ever accomplish, it is enough.

May He be ever glorified in all I say and do, and may each of you carefully consider the path you lay for others to follow.

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