Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Never Forget

Today marks the eighteenth anniversary of the day that radically changed America. I will never forget the horror of watching the live feed as one of our own jets slammed into the Twin Towers in New York, or the shock wave that flooded our nation. 
How could this be happening to us?

Suddenly everything changed.

The safety I had felt moments before was wiped away, and doubt and concern for the future began to flood my mind.  Our daughter and her husband were expecting their first child, and I wondered what type of world this child was being born into. The safe harbor of America no longer seemed as safe.

The numbness of shock filled our nation as we began to grapple with the reality that an attack had been carried out so brutally. The days following, there was a feeling of horror, and yet a sense of unity that strengthened us in spite of the fact that our safety had been compromised. American flags quickly sold out and were proudly displayed on homes, store fronts and car windows. People openly prayed for our nation and one another, beseeching God to take care of us.

United we stand became a key phrase, and we vowed to never forget.
For a time we were faithful to that vow, and worked diligently to keep our nation united.

But how quickly we seem to have forgotten.

I know there will be many reports on the airways today about the anniversary, but there will also be the news of a nation that has become severely divided because of politics. Where we were once strongly concerned about protecting one another and the value of human life, we have seemingly forgotten what makes American life different from other countries. Freedom of speech has become license to be abusive towards others and "rights" have become a battering tool in the hand of many.

What happened to compassion? When did we forget?

When did we stop praying for one another?

Today as I kissed my nearly 18 year old granddaughter good-bye when her mama picked her up (she'd stayed the night with us) and hugged and kissed my daughter, I again prayed God would watch over them and my other children and grandchildren. I asked Him to protect them and grant them wisdom and discernment for their journey. I don't know what the future holds.

None of us do.

But I do know Who holds the future, and He promised me He has a plan for our lives, a plan, not for destruction, but one of hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) He's promised that He will never leave or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5), and that He will never forget me. "I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands" Isaiah 49:16

It is into that promise that I build my future and hope, and pray for those I love.

It is to Him that I beseech for mercy for our nation, and a return for those who seem to have lost their way.

May we be faithful and diligent to keep our promises.

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