Friday, July 13, 2018

Focus on Truth

"You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trust in You. Trust in the LORD forever for in YAH, the LORD is everlasting strength." Isaiah 26:3

Sometimes the world can be a very noisy and distracting place. As one who struggles to stay focused, I find noise a difficult barrier to overcome at times. That is one of the reasons I am so grateful the Lord moved me out of town and up into the canyon eight years ago. The quiet in the canyon helps me to stay focused when I need to do so.

Even so, the canyons has sounds that can momentarily pull my attention away from the task at hand.  This morning when I was settling in to begin working on my latest project (a 365 day devotional) my prayer was that I would have the ability to focus on what I needed to write and not become distracted.
The house was beautifully quiet, and even the puppies had stopped their bantering with one another in the back yard. Blissful, peaceful quiet.

And then I heard the dove.

Immediately my mind raced back to my childhood home and the peaceful sound of the mourning doves on summer days. Although temporarily distracted by their sound, a deep sense of peace washed over my soul.  Doves are shy birds and apparently felt safe enough to share their song with me.
It lasted only a moment, but it was enough to spark a myriad of thoughts, some to be used here, and others for the devotional.

The first thought was how peaceful their song made me feel. I have only heard them sing in the quiet places where they feel their safety isn't threatened. Unlike the noisy jays and crows who raucously announce their presence throughout the day, doves are quiet and cautious.    

My second thought was how easy it is to become distracted even in this place of quiet. It made me even more determined to created guidelines for myself so that I can effectively work to complete the tasks before me.

Distraction is a major problem in this world, but it doesn't have to be the victor.

Each of us has the ability to choose where we let our minds go. No one has the power to force us to think anything other than what we choose to think. That is why it is so imperative to fill our minds with truth. Truth is the light that chases away the darkness and hushes the lies.

There is a story behind the picture I used in this piece. We were traveling through Nevada and a major lightning storm raged over head. There were times the rain pelted our windshield so ferociously that our wipers had a hard time keeping it clear, making it nearly impossible to see the road. But as quickly as the storm came up, it passed.  

And so it is with life.  Sometimes the storms of adversity will come up suddenly and rage against us, making us feel as though every attempt to see the pathway clearly is being hidden. Don't despair. God is still in control. Take a breath and fix Your focus firmly on Him.  He will guide you safely through.
Don't let the distractions keep you from completing the task He has for you.

His plans are perfect.
His timing is impeccable.
He is trustworthy.

Press on in confidence.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Living water

Lately I have been feeling the strain of living in an area where rain is scarce. The irrigated dessert just doesn't have as many rivers and lakes as I would like, and the ocean is two plus hours away. The heat of summer and the dry conditions make me feel cranky and agitated.  I love being around water and seeing how green it makes things in the summer in the areas where it is allowed to flow freely. Being on a well, or in an area where there are water restrictions limits one though.
How grateful I am that God has supplied living water for my soul through Jesus Christ.
Before I sat to write this I had to take time with my Savior to refresh my parched spirit. Things of this world and the  summer heat had begun to dedehydrate me spiritually and I could feel the drying wind blow on my soul. I quickly ran to the place where I knew I would find comfort and refreshment.
The river of grace is a continual stream flowing freely from the throne of God and always restores the one who seeks refuge there.
The world's system is a constant drain on the people who dwell here. We must remember to take adequate time in the waterfall of grace so that we can effectively minister to those who thirst for truth.
May each of us drink deeply of the living water that Jesus supplies and look for those who are dying of thirst so we might show them the way to the place of eternal refreshment.

"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water syringing up into everlasting life." ~Jesus as recorded in John 4:14