Tuesday, December 8, 2015

'Tis the season

"But my heart stands in awe of Your word. I rejoice in Your word, as one who finds great treasure. I hate lying, but I love Your law. Seven times a day I will praise You, because of Your righteous judgements.  Great peace have those who love Your law and nothing can make them stumble." Psalm 119:161b-165

Ah, the life of the velveteen grandma. The older I get the more I realize what a great privilege God has granted me in aging.


Even though my physical body regularly feels the advancement of age, my spirit is growing younger and more childlike in trust of God's amazing presence and power.

Working part time has offered me a huge opportunity to put into action the faith I claim.  Holidays tend to bring a great deal of pressure to the general populace, and how I choose to respond to those pressures at work will either glorify God and my trust that He is control over all things, or my need to orchestrate the situation.

Because I work with people who are significantly younger than I am, I feel a great responsibility to be a true representation of Christ. Although I tease with them that they don't want to see the "grumpy Grandma"' in truth, I don't want them to see her either. She is someone who needs to be retired from the scene altogether. Instead, I want the wisdom and kindness of the Velveteen Grandma to be demonstrated at every opportunity.

When things get stressful, as happens in any work place, I want the soft tenderness of a life seasoned
by grace and love to be seen in my actions and heard in my words. To make sure that happens, I must
be certain my heart is continually bowed before my Lord in awe and reverence. That means spending quality time with Him in the Word and in prayer.

As the Christmas season rushes past much too quickly, I am determined more than ever, to be a vessel  of grace and truth to a world who is in desperate need of God's love. I want to be a messenger of joy that heralds the good news from heaven: "Glory to God in the  highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men!"

Emmanuel, God with us!

To Him be the glory and honor  in all seasons of life

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