Friday, March 22, 2024

Triumphs that grant us the courage to keep marching

Hooray!! I finally beat the snags that were preventing me from using my new computer effectively.  With the help of a dear friend, we were able to navigate our way through the the technological mine field and won.

Little victories make the battles worth fighting.

It is true in our spiritual journey as well. 

I don't know about you, but there are seasons where it seems like we are deep in the enemy camp and there is little or no hope of escaping unscathed. The army before us seems daunting and we have little courage to effectively battle against them.

But then God reminds us that the battle is His and all we need to do is trust Him to guide us.

I love the accounts we are given in the Bible where the impossible became a  reality. They are the triumphs we are given that grant us the courage to keep marching forward as we follow the Lord. Some of my favorite accounts are  found in the Old Testament. Like Joshua 6  where the people marched in silence around the walls of Jericho for six days and then on the seventh day shouted and the wall came tumbling down. Or  Judges 7 where Gideon and his small army defeated  a much larger army with the element of surprise using torches and trumpets. Then there's the account in 1 Samuel 17 of a small boy using a sling  and a rock to take down a giant who had been harassing the army sent  out  to defeat him.

But my favorite is told in the New Testament  in Luke and John where a miraculous conception and birth and a death and resurrection brought redemption for all who are willing to believe and receive the precious gift of grace God has given us through His Son Jesus Christ. Marvelous news of a victory that nothing can defeat.

As we prepare to celebrate what is marked on the calendars as Easter, let us remember that it is NOT about fuzzy little chicks and bunnies, or colored eggs and an overload of candy. Although these are fun  they are not the message of the true celebration. Jesus is alive. He conquered sin and death and is coming back for His people.

Celebrate the triumph. Share the good news.

The victory is ours because the battle has already been won by the Lord.