Saturday, November 4, 2023

To everything there is a season

Today is a bittersweet day. This is the day our oldest granddaughter will be moving out of our home and back with her family. She has been with us off and on for the past 3 years. Ever since Covid and her 18th birthday when her grandfather fell and broke his neck and she rode to the hospital with us. She also waited outside in the car in the parking lot with me for hours waiting to hear an upsdate as we couldn't go in becauase of C0ovid mandates. Afterwards she stayed off and on to help me care for him as he recovered. In that same tine frame fires tore through the canyon and burned her family's home to the ground and she moved in with us.  Rebuilding has taken time, not only for my husband's physical strength, but for the new structure for her family and for her as she has adjusted to life as an adult. 
It will be a good move even though we will miss her. Especially her hugs in the morning and at night. Last night when she came home from work the hug was a little bit longer. We knew today would be bittrrsweet.
But I know her siblings and parents are especially happy they will all be together again. And for that I am happy. 
It's been quite a season. 
But as Ecclesiastes everything there is a season.
So now aa I see this one close I look to the future with confidence that all things are working together for our good and God's glory. Nothing is outside of His notice or care.
So as we enter this season of thanksgiving I will thank Him for the privilege I have had to spend extra time with her. I pray it will have made a positive impact in her life and that whatever seasons she faces in the future she will be able to do so with strength.
As the oldest grandchild she has a role of leadership and I know God has great plans for her and all those whose lives she touches. 
May His blessings be upon all of them.