Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Go Fly a Kite

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" And Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, an said,  "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me."
Matthew 18:1-5 

Recently I have had the opportunity and privilege of watching Mary Poppins and Saving Mr. Banks again, two very entertaining Disney movies. (If you haven't seen them, I highly recommend both of them.) The storylines are sweet and focus on the importance of a child's perspective and outlook to life. Mary Poppins had delightful music added to the story, which was explained more, and reprised in Saving Mr. Banks. Because of that, I have had several of the tunes playing in my head, but mostly the tune to "Let's go fly a kite." Again, if you haven't seen the movies, I highly recommend them.

As I was going through my day, humming this tune and the chorus, I thought of the statement, "Go fly a kite!" I have heard it used when someone was displeased with another and basically telling them to back off. But then I thought about it more, and thought what a lovely thing it is to fly a kite.  I haven't done so in years, but seeing the movies took me back to my childhood to the hill at City Park where many of us stood, kites in hand waiting for the right bit of wind that would lift it high into the air. Oh the exhilaration when the kite would rise into the air and begin tugging on the string in an effort to fly higher. The joy that it brought as it swayed and dipped with the air currents.
It makes me want to go find a decent kite and take up kite flying again.
We have dear friends who have a large sturdy kite that they will bring to the beach when our church family has their annual beach trip. It is fun to watch as they launch it into the air and the children gather around waiting for an opportunity to help fly it.
There is something pure, and child like in all of us when we watch.

Which brings me back to my point.
Although there was a time when telling someone to "Go fly a kite" may not have been meant graciously, it now takes on new meaning.  It becomes more of a statement to remember the importance of childlike faith. Don't allow the snares and cares of this world to weigh you down.

Just as we lift up our eyes and arms when flying a kite, we can lift up our eyes to God, Creator of all things, and our arms to Him as our Father who will pick us up and carry us as though on eagle's wings.

Dear friends may all our struggles be tied like a tail to the "kite" of prayer, and may we have confidence that God will lift it high and carry our burdens away from us.
When you see someone struggling beneath the load of care, encourage them to do the same. God is on His throne. He hasn't forgotten His promises and He is always, always faithful to complete that which He's begun.
May your troubles be few in the presence of our mighty King.
Blessings to you and yours always. 