Thursday, September 27, 2018

The tragedy of Tamar and the victory for the woman caught in adultery

Things aren't always as they appear
"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall." 1 Corinthians 10:12

I had to take a break from the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Although I only watched a few minutes of it, I could feel myself getting sucked into the vortex and the anger of injustice stuck in my throat like a bone.

As I was pondering my response to it, the words "the tragedy of Tamar" came to mind followed almost immediately by the words "and the victory for the woman caught in adultery". I was curious as to what the correlation was, not only to what I was feeling, but to each other.

Upon rereading the account of Tamar, the tragedy is played out. Not only did her half brother rape her, then despised her and made a mockery of her, but then her other brother Absolom had Ammon murdered.  (you can read the account in 2 Samuel 13)

Fast forward to Jesus's day and the woman who was thrown before Him by the Pharisees. They had caught her in the act of adultery and wanted Jesus to judge her, hoping to find some way of accusing Him. His response was to stoop down and write in the sand as though He didn't hear them. When they continued to press Him, he responded "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.' (John 8:7)  Soon there were none standing to accuse her. With no one there to point a negative finger at her He responded to her in the grace that we all desire to receive..."Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more." (John 8:11)

Here I am now, sorting through the similarities and differences.  A sexual crime in both accounts, a vindication, and a command to go and sin no more.  The tragedy in Tamar's case was the assault not only to her body, but her character, because she would be deemed unworthy for marriage because she was no longer a virgin. The murder of Ammon may well have vindicated her, but it caused a deep rift in the family. A loss no matter how you look at it. The victory for the woman caught in adultery was, even though caught in the act and accused, she received grace and a command to go forward and sin no more.

So how does this all fit with what I've been watching unfold on TV?

As you will notice in the picture above, it looks like the face of a young woman with braids and a headband wearing earrings and bright red lipstick. If you examine it closer you see it is a necklace, some buttons, a couple pairs of earrings and a jeweled piece. Although an interesting picture of something made up from different parts, not the real deal. Not everything we see or hear is as we might initially perceive it to be. 

All this to say there are always some very compelling conversations on both sides of an argument.  Some that bring about tragedy and death, and others that bring about victory and life. Taking our cue from Jesus Himself, we should listen long, leave the judgement to Him, and go forward without sinning ourselves.

May we all be wise enough to do so.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Rivers in the desert

"... I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to My people, My chosen. This people I have formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise." Isaiah 43:20b

The area where we live is an irrigated desert, and has been suffering under a severe drought for several years now, making the dirt road up to our  home especially dusty. Even on the days I am diligent enough to dust off the furniture, by late in the day a fine layer has begun forming again. Our cars are in constant need of being washed, just to remove the dust from the road.
On our way into town, we can see the few places where underground springs still poke through leaving small puddles of water where they are, and lush green growth around them. A stark contrast to the many trees that have died because of the drought.
As we approach the end of the drive down the canyon road, the sky looks brown from all the dust that hasn't been washed away because of lack of rain. In addition the air quality in the valley has become increasingly worse, as almond and walnut farmers harvest their crops. The dry soil forms great clouds of dust making it difficult to see and breathe. The only escape is to drive over the mountains towards the coast, or up into the Sierras towards Yosemite where water isn't as scarce.

There is something deeply satisfying standing at the edge of the ocean, near a river or next to a waterfall that exhilarates one's soul. Even thinking about the beautiful sound of the rushing water, causes me to breathe in deeply and exhale slowly.

Water refreshes.

How lovely that our Lord Jesus Christ speaks of Himself as being the living water.

If you recall, the Samaritan woman had come to the well when all of the other women were done, and was surprised when Jesus spoke to her, as Jews had no dealings with Samaritans.  He was sitting next to the well and asked her to give Him a drink. When she expressed her surprise at being asked Jesus revealed the truth to her that the water she gathered at the well would only satisfy temporarily, where those who drank of the water He supplies would never thirst again. (John 4:6-14)

"...a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." Jesus speaking John 4:14

I love that.  No matter how dry the earth has become because of the drought, here and there we still see evidence of water. Even in the patches in the road where springs have forced their way through asphalt, only to be covered again, have puddles beginning to form.  The water continues to push through.

Sweet evidences of God's provision for the wild animals in the area, and a precious reminder to me that He is still in control.  Even in the severest drought, He provides.

I pray you will find the places of refreshment in your journey and hope, as you drink deeply of the water He supplies.

May He be glorified in all we say and do.

"..whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.  But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." ~Jesus