Saturday, March 25, 2017

Living a life of peace, contentment and joy

"See to it that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all." 1Thessalonians 5:15

While I doing my Bible study today, I came across notes I'd written on 1 Thessalonians 5:11-22. At the very bottom of the page is the line "The beauty of a life well lived for Christ - Peace, Contentment, Joy".  There is a simple drawing of a butterfly next to it as my personal reminder to continue living a transformed life.
For me, living the transformed life is a daily choice.
Each morning, and throughout the day, I must decide if I am going to live in obedience to God's will, or recklessly pursue my own. The path I choose determines my destination.  When I choose my own selfish will, I discover I bump along the road frustrated (and often angry) with those near me.  The beam in my eye (see Matthew 7:3) prevents me from seeing clearly as I try to perform spiritual surgery on the world around me. More often than not, in my blinded pursuit of self-will, I stumble and fall, hurting not only myself, but others as I grasp for a hand hold on anything that might save me from myself.
On the flip side, when I deliberately and actively choose to pursue the path God has laid before me, I find peace of spirit is my first companion. Coming quickly up beside is contentment, which ultimately brings joy.  I'm not sure why I would ever want to stray from His path, but I know the enemy works to "steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10) so I must constantly guard my heart and daily prepare for the battle (Ephesians 6:10-18) that will always ensue.
Once I am fully prayed up and prepared for the day, I am better able to do that which I've been called to do; share Christ's love with those around me.
To do so, taking note from 1 Thessalonians 5:11-22 I find it easier as I joyfully anticipate His return.
  • Verse 11 tells me I am to comfort and edify, which reminds me I am to be an encouragement to others. My job is to build up, not tear down, to comfort with Christ's presence, always remembering I am responsible for my affect on other people's lives.
  • Verses 12-14 urge me to respect those in leadership roles. God is dealing with me through those He has put in authority over me. My response to them ultimately shows my response to God. I am reminded to warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, and to be patient with all.
  • Verse 15 reminds me to pursue grace, always seeking after that which is good. A reference verse in my notes is Colossians 1:27 "Christ in you, the hope of glory." On my own I am unable to do what God calls me to, with Him, all things are possible.(see Philippians 4:13) Christ demonstrated strength in His ability to initiate good in the face of evil. He is the One Who will empower me to do the same.
  • Verses 16-18 are the reminders that joyful thanksgiving is a necessary part of the journey.  Learning to give thanks in every situation takes practice, but it is possible knowing God is in control. He never looks down and says "Oops!" By determining to pray without ceasing, with an attitude of gratitude for every situation helps me to focus on God's sufficiency in all things. In thanking Him, even in the difficult times, I demonstrate my willingness to trust Him without reservation or hesitation. He is always faithful.
  • Verses 19-20 reminds me a yielded spirit is one that is totally surrendered to God's plan. I am most victorious when I am completely obedient to Him. His word is the lamp that lights the path He places before me, and strengthens me for the journey.
  • Verse 21 tells me to be discerning.  I am only able to do so as I search the word and ask God to grant me a discerning spirit.
  • Verse 22 the reminder to abstain from every form of evil. I must continually protect my eyes, mind and body from the enemy. He is subtle and sly and will use every weapon he can to distract and disrupt me from doing God's will.  A good verse to remember is "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." Isaiah 54:17 Memorizing God's word isn't just an activity for children in Sunday school, it is the protective armor that keeps us safe from the lies of the enemy.